Huge Boobs Soul of Gold: Aioria × Lyfia - Saint seiya Titfuck
[笠原雄] 聖闘士星矢soulofgold アイオリア×リフィア
#162768 - Chapter 1 My life starts out like everyone else good home, good family, good girlfriend this day started out great until something turned my life into a living hell well some of it this is how it started. My day starts off with a loud ring which I can only guess is my “down with the sickness” alarm I groan roll over and try to cut it off but instead knock it in the floor so I reach down to pick it up and fall of the bed with a loud thump I start laughing at my own stupidity and cut off my alarm then I stand up stretch and yawn and unravel myself from my blanket only to fall once again after I unravel very carefully I pick up my cover and throw it on my bed right after my sister alyssa (she will always make a perverted joke)comes in and asks “what was that loud thud it better not be u jacking off in here” “ha ha no I fell off my bed and fell in the floor why do u care slut I know I herd moaning in there from you and alexis last night” I turn around and noticed my sister
Read Huge Boobs Soul of Gold: Aioria × Lyfia - Saint seiya Titfuck Soul of Gold: Aioria × Lyfia
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